Tom and I are two empty nesters who decided to downsize and simplify our lives. We wanted to make things a bit easier so we could better enjoy the simple pleasures life has to offer.
Sometimes less is more
With our children grown and on their own, it’s just the two of us.
Having a smaller house, smaller yard, and fewer material possessions means less work, fewer expenses, and more time, energy, and freedom to travel, pursue hobbies and interests, and savor life more fully. Little things we scarcely noticed before have become more meaningful and make every day a joy—walking the dog . . . quiet evenings . . . a delicious meal . . . fat fragrant roses . . . hummingbirds in the garden . . . new buds on a tree.
We are experiencing life better than ever before.
Living simply . . . simply living well
Our Empty Nest is all about living well with less . . . surrounding yourself with beauty, peace, and comfort . . . and learning to recognize and appreciate the real things in life that make each day special and rewarding.
At Our Empty Nest we share our stories, favorite recipes, travelogues on trips near and far, as well as tips and tricks and helpful hints on how you, too, can simplify your life, transform it into something joyous and more meaningful, and create a home that is warm, inviting, and comfortable—a relaxing retreat that pleases the senses and renews the soul.
We hope you find inspiration here at Our Empty Nest that will improve your life and lifestyle.
Patricia Petro

Featured in Omaha Lifestyles 50+ magazine, “Choosing to be Happy,” 12 Sept 2013